LAPT for gum disease

Awful toothaches, bad breath, receding gums, and many other symptoms of gum disease motivate patients to opt for surgical ways of treating this condition. Despite the guaranteed result, many people with periodontitis shy away from traditional therapy because of the pain involved and the post-surgical issues that may arise.

As a result, a novel procedure for treating gum disease with the aid of lasers was developed. Laser-assisted periodontal therapy is as effective as the traditional surgical procedure. It is growing to be the preferred option as it is not as invasive as the other procedures.

How Does the Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy Work?

Periodontitis or gum disease results from the accumulation of bacteria in the periodontal pockets; this affects the tissue and surrounding organs. The laser-assisted therapy makes use of lasers that primarily attack these bacteria. They are easily destroyed, and the process is quite conservative. It is not as invasive as the traditional surgical approach as the surrounding healthy tissues are not destroyed. The procedure is completed within a concise time frame with high accuracy and precision.

Laser dentistry and the use of lasers for dental treatment is a relatively recent practice in dentistry. Even though it is universally acknowledged as beneficial, relatively few dentists provide this type of dental therapy. This is because a dentist must be specifically educated in the use of lasers in order to perform such a surgery.

Brief History of Laser Dentistry in Periodontal Therapy

To better understand how laser-assisted therapy, LAPT works, its origin and history need to be understood. The first instance of its use was recorded in the 1960s. The procedure was not considered safe until the 1990s, when the wavelength of the laser was adjusted. This came after numerous studies and research. The new method did not necessitate the removal of additional gum tissue; only unhealthy gum tissue was removed, and this was done with care to ensure that the potential for regeneration was not harmed.

How Is Laser Periodontal Therapy Carried Out?

Laser use has changed so many practices in cosmetic dentistry and restorative dental procedures. There are many speculations that lasers would replace most essential tools currently used for these procedures. The laser is made up of an arranged beam of light. Its non-diverging property enables the periodontist to carefully aim for the diseased tissues and get rid of them. In cosmetic dentistry, lasers are gently focused on areas of attention. It is used in dental implants, gum reshaping, and implant restoration procedures.

How Long Does the Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy Take?

At most, you will be spending six hours at the dental clinic. This is done in two sessions or two visits to the periodontists. After the procedure, visits by patients have been very minimal. The process is simple so that you can return to your day's activity after 2-3 hours at your dentist's place. Patients of dentists like Dr. Lance Ogata have testified to spending shorter times at the clinic.

Differences Between Traditional Periodontal Therapy and Laser-Assisted Therapy

There are several striking differences between traditional therapy and laser therapy. Some of them include:

1. Level of discomfort

Laser-assisted therapy is rapid and short. Therefore, the patient feels no pain during the procedure. Where pain is experienced, the sensation is almost silent. Traditional therapy, on the other hand, is quite painful. Most people have abandoned doctor's appointments due to the fear of the pain that the procedure causes. This is one of the reasons why LAPT is preferred over the former.

2. Complexity

In traditional therapy, the process is a little messy. The diseased tissue is removed along with some of the healthy tissue. It sometimes requires gum reshaping. This makes it quite an invasive and complex procedure. LAPT, on the other hand, is more direct. The diseased tissue is removed while the surrounding healthy tissues are unaffected. In addition, the regeneration process for the tissues removed is quicker compared to the traditional approach.

3. Duration of healing

Therapy with the aid of a laser is more efficient; hence the duration of healing is shorter. The traditional approach is generally more invasive; therefore, it takes longer for complete recovery.

4. Safety

The reluctance and dilly-dallying around the acceptance of LAPT are almost entirely about its safety. The good thing is that this process has been carefully vetted and endorsed by the US FDA, so it is practically safe. In contrast, LAPT is safer as the laser ensures sterilization, thereby reducing re-infection. There is no such guarantee with traditional therapy.

Benefits of Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy for Gum Disease

1. Highly Comfortable

The high level of accuracy and precision which laser therapy utilizes makes it very comfortable. The procedure does not require the administration of anesthesia.

2. The Process Is Very Simple

This laser-assisted form of periodontal therapy is the least invasive form of treatment for gum disease. The targeting is exact, and the affected tissues are removed gently.

3. Requires a Maximum of Two Appointments

Before the procedure is carried out, you will be scheduled for two appointments and then, at most, two extra post-procedure appointments. However, traditional therapy requires a minimum of four appointments and many others after the surgery.

4. Very Effective

LAPT conserves the surrounding bones and tissues; hence, a post-procedure infection is very slim. The periodontal bacteria are removed carefully, making it almost impossible for a re-infection to occur.

5. Enhances the Dental Appeal

Traditional therapy or surgery involves the cutting of the gum. The procedure is not just painful but exposes the area to more bacteria which could cause another infection.

The use of lasers is a significant advancement in cosmetic dentistry. It not only ensures the gums are not damaged but can be used in restoring changes that may have come up due to past procedures.


The laser-assisted therapy for gum disease is the best-suited healing alternative for anyone suffering from gum disease. It is crucial to know that not any dentist can do this operation since they must be professionally educated.

When picking a dentist, assess their credentials and reviews from previous patients. Dr. Ogata is a Hawaii-based dentist with over 30 years of expertise in improving his patients' smiles. If you’re looking for an experienced Kahului dentist, look no further! Reach out to us today!